Thanks for expressing interest in becoming an advisor for the UvA entrepreneurship minor!
Held twice a year, the 21-week entrepreneurship minor is designed whereby teams are expected to make progress towards exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities, i.e. developing product prototypes or service pilots, and generating revenue. Business plans (based on a standardized outline) are due at the end of the semester, and teams are also required to deliver 2 progress reports and 3 (oral) practice pitches during the semester. At the end of the 21 weeks, we hold a Kickout at the Felix Meritis in Amsterdam, where each of the student teams gives a 5-minute pitch in front of a large audience, in competing for a €500 grand prize.
Our advisors help to guide our student teams during the 21-week minor. While all our advisors are highly talented and successful, they are also very compassionate about entrepreneurial spirit, mindset, and process. In fact, they are so compassionate about these that they volunteer their time for free to help our students. Typically, when they come on board, we request that they help advise or mentor our student teams for 1-2 hours per month. Teams and advisors are free to schedule meeting times and timetables together.
As a show of our thanks, we set aside an evening before each semester to take our advisors out for dinner in Amsterdam, typically at Fifteen.
Currently, 6 entrepreneurs/industry veterans advise our student teams. However, we are always looking for additional coaches, potentially for this upcoming Spring. If interested, please let me know when we might schedule a time to chat on the phone.
Kind regards,
dr. Chihmao Hsieh
Coordinator, UvA Entrepreneurship Minor (Spring semesters)
c.m.hsieh at uva dot nl
(020) 5254789