Coaches' guidelines
(1) 4 hours per month. Coaches are expected to schedule meetings with teams, at least totaling 4 hours per month. It is up to each set of coach and team how often they want to meet, and for how long per meeting.
(2) Helping teams to answer the basic questions. Recently, a handful of teams have been unable to answer the most basic questions from the Kickout jury. We want teams to be able to answer basic questions about margins and the business model, target markets and marketing, and operations. Please don't assume that your team knows the answers to the most basic of questions.
(3) Helping teams to weigh choices. Coaches are responsible for suggesting decisions and choices that teams should consider, and should also help them weigh the choices. Coaches should walk students through the decision-making and action-taking process without directing or commanding them.
(4) Encouragement to take external action. Coaches are encouraged to expect students to take action, especially to contact vendors/suppliers/partners/customers, and to experiment with their venture. Students were told during the Kickoff that they should not fear small failures, and that it is part of the venture process.
(5) Grading. Each Coach has 10% influence over the grade for each individual (there is both an individualized component and a team-shared component). A third of that 10% is based on "entrepreneurial attitude," another third based on "on-time attendance to meetings," and the final third based on "meeting deadlines for agreed-upon deliverables." The coach also has direct influence over 5% of the team's overall course grade. Please keep in mind that these are the students' incentives.
(6) Checking in. The Spring coordinator reserves permission to check-in with coaches every 4-8 weeks during the semester.
These are the only guidelines, because coaches should have flexibility to mentor as they wish. Please email the coordinator if you have any questions or concerns!